CHW, the term may be new to you, but the field has been around for ages. What if I said Health Educator? Health Coach..that's a popular one. Navigator..Health Advocate..Community Health Educator? All of these names can be described as a Community Health Worker. Someone in the community that serves to help aid the members for a better quality of life and health. Sounds somewhat simple, but it is very complex the work of a CHW. Depending on your job role, you can be many different roles in 1 day. Many would say it is well worth the effort.
Does that mean you have to live there in that community? No. However you do need to familiarize yourself with the culture and the temperature of the community to be knowledgeable of the culture and what the community is need of. Community Health Workers are global, saving lives each day through working side by side with peers who trust them. Dedication fills the heart of a CHW who pulls together multiple resources to assist patients that assist in the patients well being.
Community Health Workers in Texas are growing. Please check out the State Website below to learn more and inform others of the work that CHWs do.
Website on CHWs n in Texas: http://dshs.texas.gov/mch/chw.shtm